Dream Threshold Character Study.

Dream Threshold Character Study.

A previous piece of mine that i did I decided to go back and do more character development to it. I rendered a pencil drawing of her on 14×17″ Bristol Board paper … to see the original concept that she came from click on this link —> https://rmac235art.wordpress.com/2012/06/06/the-dream-threshold-new-artwork/



Remember the Hipster Lion I, II and III? this is another picture of all 3 of them together. i’m building up my brand of art and these lions are going to be a pretty integral part of it. Right now I’m just going to see how many situations i can put them it. They still need more developing as i am going to put bodies and outfits to them too.

Mental Breakthrough

Mental Breakthrough

the idea for this picture came to me as i was warming up with a sketch. But there’s a deeper meaning behind it… discovering a level of power that we all possess after we are pushed to our mere limits and we’re about to lose it. This can be really good for us to discover our true strength especially when we are in a place of darkness

For The Internet Troll.

For The Internet Troll.

This is long overdue to post, but I had finished this piece. Dedicated to the trolls on the internet who talk shit trying to fuck up your day. if only a hand could come out of a computer and punch said offender in the face. I think he lost a couple of teeth too p 😉