Tamani study (again) and other thoughts relating to this series…

Greetings ☁👑

       So I’ve decided to take this week off from work to concentrate on getting back into my creative flow..and to concentrate on more important matters such as working on my storefront…plus it’s my birthday today, and I’d rather be here blogging about my art than getting caught up at work doing menial work tasks.

     I managed to buy a canvas for the Z-Note painting, plus i completed this study of Tamani, the goddess of love & passion:


Tamani in her love goddess element. Rose petals butterflies and sexy

So far I like how things are progressing,  but I’ve had to wrestle with doubts about the Consumed by Passion; Seduced by Wealth series last week. I really began to wonder if what I was doing was a waste of time.

      After reevaluating and approaching my creative plight with a renewed mind , I concluded that I was merely having feelings similar to working on a painting and had reached the “ugly phase”. As an artist, it is extremely crucial to push past those lothing feelings of your work and complete the damn thing so that you can 1. Be taken seriously as a professional artist and 2. See that the vision you had for such a piece of work was actually as beautiful as you had inagined (and in some cases even more beautiful)…

      To make a long story short, I’m going to continue and complete the series, so that I can establish this body of work as something i can truly say was monumental (even if other people may not think so. Fuck those people).

      Furthermore, the way the series is unfolding, the pieces that involve Tamani, love/passion goddess usually seem to deal with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions…inner substance and bulk if you will (i.e. The Ones thst got Away). 

    The pieces with Ziva, the wealth goddess seem to have more of a surface-like appeal, almost like a album single/ or radio friendly song. Things  like Zivasace and the currently in progress Z-Note)…

At the core it’s dialogue with my inner self about the need to express myself fully while at the same time getting paid to do this for the rest of my life. The truth is that the way you want to express yourself doesnt always get the adequate engagement from enough people, but at the same time, creating stuff that people like (but not you) isn’t always artistically fulfilling as you can feel like your soul is being starved if you go too long without get your feelings out on canvas.

    Obviously, this isn’t the case with every artist…i just feel that with this series it resolves to further cement that these two elements, (goddesses) shouldn’t be at war with each other.  Rather they should work together because that will give the best and most effective overall delivery.

Only time will tell…

Ok, I’m done with this post. Pretty long-winded for the usual but it was a necessity to address certain artistic things…because even though I create, it’s still a journey to get the vision out. Its all totally worth it though!

Time for birthday stuff… More artwork to check out on www.rmac-art.com. !

Take care for now. ☁👑

The Duality of R.Mac

There are certain elements in my work that make it unique to my brand of art. One of the most prevalent elements in my work is duality… I believe we all have that multifaceted part of our personality that contains some type of of opposite polarity.

For me, It also represents the full scope of life without getting lost in the infinite combinations in between because It makes a stronger impression to focus on just the strongest points.  For those who have seen my work, You have seen stuff that has more of a calming effect, and you have also seen pieces that just scream intensity!

watermanipulation Water Manipulation Iwater_manupulation_IIWater Manipulation II

The Water Manipulation pieces shown here are a perfect example of the duality element in my work. I had taken a concept of a female water bender and created two versions with opposite personalities to it. The first version is more of a nurturing feel as she pours a glass of water to encompass a flower to symbolize life and growth.. The second version is a sultry looking siren who has the power to destroy with her water bending powers  which is apparent by the shape of the water as spiked spheres. Also the dominating color first piece is blue, while the red in the siren’s dress is the dominating color in the second version…

loveormoneynamesTamani and Ziva

you can’t have the sugar without the spice!! These two beauties are the epitome of duality. The goddess of love vs the goddess of wealth and riches. This is a great thing to explore because one goddess with appeal to a specific type of people while, the other will appeal to another type of person – but seeing the unfamiliar side will also open up a new perspective!  I also feel that the duality will keep me from getting boxed into the same type of subject matter.

Well, that’s it about duality. I hope that it was an informative (but not boring) read. For now you can check out my website http://www.rmac-art.com and also follow me on instagram at @rmac235 for more upcoming projects!

Peace for now!
