The Beast Mode Series -Part 1

Inspired by battle shields ala ancient Greek/Roman times…

The wolf isn’t finished yet, but progress shots still let you see the struggle πŸ˜‰

I have at least 2 more to do (for now) so enjoy these for now…I will do another post when I finish more of these. 


War Times

I’ve meant to post this for a while…

 This is the final version of the Roman helmet study I posted a while back, re rendered on a 16x 20 canvas. I’ve since renamed this piece. Here is the final result:

It looks pretty badass I think. This is the direction I’m going in with my work…a more agressive, masculine energy oriented style of expression. It is reflective as my journey of trying to improve and develop myself as a man, and as such my art will reflect that. Its like a warrior’s quest with all of it’s highs and lows.

      Currently, I am working on a painting of 2 stallions and I will post that when I get far enough to a point that I feel it is worth posting.  Take care for now β˜οΈπŸ‘‘


The Look of Royalty

Here’s a painting of the combined dollar sign/heart symbol which I appropriately titled Emblem because It has that dynasty /royal family look to it. 

I want to cultivate an empire-like look in my work that doesn’t necessarily have to be “in your face” all the time, but that makes you feel like you’re part of a great civilization…that also has the supernatural overtones (which to me is a necessity in fantasy art). That goes in line with the concept of being so elevated you’re amongst gods.

    It won’t be overnight, but I have faith in my abilities…

    I’ll have some more new work to post in the future when I am finished developing my ideas. 

    Stay elevated for now. Until next time β˜πŸ‘‘

    Tamani study (again) and other thoughts relating to this series…

    Greetings β˜πŸ‘‘

           So I’ve decided to take this week off from work to concentrate on getting back into my creative flow..and to concentrate on more important matters such as working on my storefront…plus it’s my birthday today, and I’d rather be here blogging about my art than getting caught up at work doing menial work tasks.

         I managed to buy a canvas for the Z-Note painting, plus i completed this study of Tamani, the goddess of love & passion:


    Tamani in her love goddess element. Rose petals butterflies and sexy

    So far I like how things are progressing,  but I’ve had to wrestle with doubts about the Consumed by Passion; Seduced by Wealth series last week. I really began to wonder if what I was doing was a waste of time.

          After reevaluating and approaching my creative plight with a renewed mind , I concluded that I was merely having feelings similar to working on a painting and had reached the “ugly phase”. As an artist, it is extremely crucial to push past those lothing feelings of your work and complete the damn thing so that you can 1. Be taken seriously as a professional artist and 2. See that the vision you had for such a piece of work was actually as beautiful as you had inagined (and in some cases even more beautiful)…

          To make a long story short, I’m going to continue and complete the series, so that I can establish this body of work as something i can truly say was monumental (even if other people may not think so. Fuck those people).

          Furthermore, the way the series is unfolding, the pieces that involve Tamani, love/passion goddess usually seem to deal with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions…inner substance and bulk if you will (i.e. The Ones thst got Away). 

        The pieces with Ziva, the wealth goddess seem to have more of a surface-like appeal, almost like a album single/ or radio friendly song. Things  like Zivasace and the currently in progress Z-Note)…

    At the core it’s dialogue with my inner self about the need to express myself fully while at the same time getting paid to do this for the rest of my life. The truth is that the way you want to express yourself doesnt always get the adequate engagement from enough people, but at the same time, creating stuff that people like (but not you) isn’t always artistically fulfilling as you can feel like your soul is being starved if you go too long without get your feelings out on canvas.

        Obviously, this isn’t the case with every artist…i just feel that with this series it resolves to further cement that these two elements, (goddesses) shouldn’t be at war with each other.  Rather they should work together because that will give the best and most effective overall delivery.

    Only time will tell…

    Ok, I’m done with this post. Pretty long-winded for the usual but it was a necessity to address certain artistic things…because even though I create, it’s still a journey to get the vision out. Its all totally worth it though!

    Time for birthday stuff… More artwork to check out on !

    Take care for now. β˜πŸ‘‘

    Consumed by Passion; Seduced by Wealth – Some symbol paintings


    I’m gearing up to start another painting as soon as I can…but in the meantime, I figured I would show some paintings I did for practice to get better. The paintings involve the Intertwined Dollar Sign Heart Symbol.


    The fireflies gather around the Intertwined Dollar Sign Heart Symbol..


    Red Flame, Blue Flame with symbol on the bowls.

    That’s it for now… Some fun little things to keep the skills in use. I’ll give a hint of my next piece I’m working on with a question: Have you ever been romantically interested in someone (or someones) that you wish it worked out with but it didn’t?? I’ll leave you with that for now.

    Until next time!




    Consumed by Passion; Seduced by Wealth (updated, and more refined)


    Despite the 5 month hiatus I have been definitely been putting in work on this series that I’ve been working on called Consumed by Passion; Seduced by Wealth. It’s a personification of the elements of Β love and riches personified as goddesses. I’ve actually really been going in on the work that I’ve been creating for the series. I’ve actually blogged about it quite some time ago, butΒ due to how I was working on things, it was way too sporadic to really focus on. Now that I’m working on things in series, I felt that It was the perfect time to revisit this work.

    I’m not sure if I mentioned this already in an earlier blog post so apologies if you are seeing this twice. Β This series actually started as a self dialogue to myself about this art that I’m doing – whether or not it was for the love of the craft or was it for the financial gain. It’s a way to keep myself grounded so that I do not lose track of my vision.Β Ultimately the existence of both can take you very far. From there, the question arose of how love and wealth would look if they had personalities (which I’m in the process of still working on;) I even created a symbol to represent the series – An intertwined dollar sign and heart.


    Intertwined Dollar sign- Heart symbol #1- 18″x 24″ Acrylic




    On to the characters…


    Every Rose Has it’s Thorn; 16×20 Acrylic

    She can seduce men just by her pheromone scent when she walks by. Few resist her charm and for that she cannot be sweet talked to –
    for she sees right through their intentions and the bullshit.
    Very sexual,Β but is also discerning of her partners. Her sexuality is just part
    of her aura, but after all she is a love goddess. She loves hard, but
    despite her goddess stature she can still be hurt. The tears she cries brings rebirth and her warm touch heals broken souls. She likes rhythm and
    blues and other styles of baby making music and is quite the flirt.
    She owns a company that focuses on making women feel sexier. She designedΒ a perfume that is the #1 seller in the world. She throws passion into everything she does. but don’t smack her ass unless you’re with her
    because she will fuck. you. UP


    Tamani Study – 16″ x 20″ Acrylic








    Goddess of wealth; she is as bo$$ as she looks, is no nonense and doesn’t
    have time for stupid shit because she is involved in a lot of business deals.
    She once ruled a planet that was under the longest prosperity era that
    any living being has ever seen – She understands the concept of money circulation.Β She dresses more conservatively and is known to mingle within the circles of the most powerful, the rich and famous, and the social elite, but yet she doesn’t need their cliques or the nonsense that goes with it and her attitude is enough to keep it all away. She lives lavishly and it’s been said that she owns trees with diamonds on them. She hates indecisiveness, timidity, laziness/lack of ambition and mismanagement of finances. She’s tough on her camp, but at the end of the day when business goes well she can kick her feet up, relax and is all smiles (though it seems she doesn’t smile much).


    Ziva Study – 16″ x 20″ Acrylic

    They both can get on each other’s nerves, but at the end of the day, it’s all love



    I didn’t want to show off all of the goodies right away, because I have more that I have done. Just so you can get a taste for it. When I update my website, I will be putting the rest of the series up to what I have so far on there. Granted I know I just started working this series, I know that it’s going to play out in the coolest way possible. I’m really excited about it!


    That’s all for now. Until next time!





    tamani & Ziva painting finished : Goddess Duality

    So my last blog post i did was about a painting of 2 goddesses I created…It contained several in progress shots of the piece coning to life…

    Well, I’d like to dedicate this blog post to the final completed version of the painting. It’s entitled Goddess Duality because of the contrasting relationship between the dynamics of love and wealth,..Tamani on the left is the goddess of passion and love, and Ziva on the right is the goddess of wealth and abundance.. The symbol in the middle is a dollar sign combined with a heart in the middle to signify the 2 entites .


    That’s all for this post. I hope you’ve enjoyed the visual art that I post on this blog. I have more art at my website at if you would like to see extra content!

    Until Next Time


    New Painting in progress: Tamani and Ziva

    Greetings, I have been pretty busy with production of another piece of art. I am doing a painting of my goddesses Tamani and Ziva; the goddesses of Passion and Wealth R.Mac’s Elevated cloud logo represents (among many other things) the limitless creative mind and where I want to and can go with it. With that said, with this project, I was attempting to show fantasy art in a more graphics style despite the presence of realistic detail. this work still has a long way to go and will incorporate graffiti like influences into the fabric of the work to give it a different feel.. Nevertheless, here’s a compilation of the shots from sketch phase to the current phase of the painting i’ve captured thus far… 10580969_812415555502312_3079978139061651696_o 11193349_819842134759654_1605313033834155686_n10982272_819947941415740_4029953686226435390_n11224124_820449771365557_3982631857662985996_n11259207_820652171345317_8874070618410183244_n11203008_821369741273560_6832465010899899124_n10458838_821470044596863_2892817300573885_n, It’s a pretty safe bet to say that I am pleased with the evolution of this work of artΒ  at this point…the more I am able to render these characters, the better I see them taking on a life of their own which is exactly what I want. The more that happens, the more I will put them in situations that further defines their character. I will most likely post a part 2 of this as I make more moves to finish this up in a timely manner. Until next time, -R.Mac It’s a pretty safe bet that

    It’s a Small World – Recent Commission

    I was recently commissioned by a friend to paint a mural on her nursery wall for her not- yet born baby. she wanted the clock tower from Disney’s It’s a Small World with a few modifications. Here it is with me in all of it’s splendor.SMALLWORLD

    with my busy schedule and the snowfall that we had to deal with here in the northeast, it took about 2 months. The couple having the baby absolutely loved it!

    I’ve also updated my R.Mac Website. Check it out at

    Until next time!